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Courageous Leadership by Creating Flexible Frame of Thinking

Courageous leadership isn't about fearlessness. It's about flexibility. Develop a flexible frame of thinking to lead in today's complex world.

What is Courageous Leadership?

Now more than ever, there is a need for courageous leadership. However, it is essential to note that courageous leadership is not about taking risks and acting fearless; instead, it is about creating a ‘flexible frame of thinking,’ a mindset of learning and growth that focuses on value creation. 

Leaders must develop a flexible frame of thinking that can adapt to the newer complex problems to find innovative solutions to sustainably win in challenging times. 


A flexible frame of thinking is adaptable. It is always in a learning mode, going beyond the comfort zone to explore new ways of doing things and using creativity to dissect and find a way of overcoming challenges. It is the opposite of a rigid frame that applies the old learning (copy/paste) to new challenges, even when they are different. 


The challenge here is to bring about an inner change (mindset) to get into this frame. It will require the complete willingness of the leaders and their teams to transition from a fixed to a flexible frame of thinking. The good news is that it is doable, and we help through a process to make it happen.


How to Create a Flexible Frame of Thinking?

The training program will enable the leaders with strategies and plans to morph from a rigid to a flexible frame of thinking, thereby becoming courageous leaders. 


In the words of Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."  


Sometimes we need to understand that we can become experts at something by attending a training program, reading a book, or watching a video. You will certainly learn something but mastering and becoming an expert requires hours of practice and, more importantly, rituals that discipline the mind. We use the word rituals instead of habits, as a habit is made for the sake of the activity, while rituals are done for a specific purpose. For example, smoking harms health, yet people do it as a habit. On the other hand, exercising daily and following a balanced diet to have good health is a ritual. 

In training, we introduce the concept of rituals. Share some positive ones and help through exercises and workshop with participants to find their own keys to unlock the flexible frame of thinking that has been shackled in the box of limitations.


Learning Methodology

The training is modelled on our CEO’s latest book, ‘Inner Conversations.’ 

The model of training will be a workshop where the participants will do exercises that will enable them to reflect and identify the fears and imaginary shackles that are holding them back. 

We will then help them to develop positive rituals that they can practice in the coming weeks and months. Some of these rituals they will incorporate, while they may come up with some of their own that help them in getting into the zone of a flexible frame of thinking. 

Courageous Minds will be a facilitator while participants will do the work or bringing about a change in. themselves. All change start from within and in this training, it is important that the participants have the readiness to walk the path. The benefits are huge. It is only a matter of stepping out of the comfort zone and going into the new space while learning to live with fears. 

In the program we share our process while the trainee does the work of bringing about a positive transformation. 


It is a signature Courageous Minds training which is spread over a day.

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